Customer Testimonials

Customer Testimonial 1 :

Customer Testimonial 2 :

Shared by Sis Noreen Razali...
"My little Natasha suffered from several insect bites,unfortunately, on her cute face during our road trip to Malaysia.After applying green tea oil on the affected areas, in 4days,the big red inflammations disappear! Thanks to green tea oil which is safe to used on children n adults."

Customer Testimonial 3 :

Sharing by Zuhailah:)
I constantly have these eczema problem on my fingertips, it has been really annoying when I can't even do a simple house chores! It was really painful, as you can see at the RED flaky skin! I have to depend on doctor's steroid jab, but my body became immuned as it was done too regularly. So I decided to do an experiment on myself by using Super Chlorophyll, Green Tea Oil & Aboriginal Comforting cream.. And the progress has been so good to be true, eventhough I've not fully recovered, but looking at the short time progress, Im very happy with products!! No drugs, no chemical, all natural!

Customer Testimonial 4 :

Sharing by Felicia Lim:)
Testimonial of My Son Daryl Skin
Rashes lighten & more moisture now. See the before & after result of Green Tea Oil & Chlorophyll.

Customer Testimonial 5 :
Testimonial on Jane Lee
Using green tea oil as my night creme... Antioxidant n renew my skin... My face look tonner and much more radiant now.

Customer Testimonial 6 :

Sharing by Aidah Ruizan:)
Remember my niece who had eczyma early this month? Just met her today & saw the results.....felt so happy for her.

Customer Testimonial 7 :

No more steroid cream on my baby's skin.... Green Tea Oil and Super Chlorophyll works for my baby....